Monday, October 29, 2007

A Fall Sunset

Board member Louise Symons and her daughter (yours truly) were up at VBP today to close our cottage. My compensation for embarking on this adventure was a request for a work break in case of sunset.

I went a little nutty, taking over 100 photos. Because I could. The best dozen are in a Flickr photoset here.

My four favorites are below. I took a pretty good number of sunset pictures in 2007 and will try to organize them into Flickr so everyone can take a look.

Again, if there is anything you, our readers, would like to see on this blog, please contact me at depauwtiger93ATyahooDOTcom. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

July 4th Photos

Thanks to a flash drive delivery by Peggy Stubbs, there are now more than 60 photos from Van Buren Point's July 4th celebration available for your perusal here. It's a Flickr folder (click on the word "here" in the previous sentence).

If YOU have VBP photos that you would enjoy seeing on this blog, feel free to contact me, Amy (Symons) Hughes at


Friday, August 10, 2007

Halloween Pics

Shots from last night's Trick or Treaters

Monday, July 9, 2007

In case you missed it...

Last night's sunset was like a painting.

4th of July Pics

Friday, July 6, 2007

Welcome to the VBP Association Blog.

This Van Buren Point web-blog has been created as a way for cottage owners to remain informed through out the year. It is our hope that we might post pictures of activities and events through out the season. It will also be a medium for communication of dates, events, activities, & VBP news.

While anyone is able to view the blog, we have limited the posting of articles to only VBP Association Board Members & Women's club officers. It keeps announcements & Association news official, and adds legitimacy to the blog's content.

If you have pictures or articles you would like to see submitted, merely contact a board member in person or via e-mail, and they can post the content on your behalf.

Thanks, and we hope you'll enjoy the blog.
VBP Assoc.