Monday, October 29, 2007

A Fall Sunset

Board member Louise Symons and her daughter (yours truly) were up at VBP today to close our cottage. My compensation for embarking on this adventure was a request for a work break in case of sunset.

I went a little nutty, taking over 100 photos. Because I could. The best dozen are in a Flickr photoset here.

My four favorites are below. I took a pretty good number of sunset pictures in 2007 and will try to organize them into Flickr so everyone can take a look.

Again, if there is anything you, our readers, would like to see on this blog, please contact me at depauwtiger93ATyahooDOTcom. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Amy - great pictures! Just saw your comment on my blog - shoot me an e-mail when you get a chance!